




Finally I'm not bored

Today is my 3rd day of internship at DSI. Last 2 days my supervisor is not around so I stoned and stared in space and my laptop screen - it was practically HELL. Finally today she was present and she gave me an assignment to do after lunch. Basically is like researching the net for answers. Words and words and words, damn. Finished majority of it in 4 hours. Nice.

My supervisor's mindset is: you should not waste your time watching movies, sleeping or playing games when you are free in the office because the company pays you. You should spend your time on other subjects or do some researches. Of course, she didn't say it in a fierce and stern tone. Haha!

As this is some sort of a research institute, my workload most probably will be dealing with researches, theories and stuffs, which I really hate. Haha! On the other hand, it's still quite interesting to know about how hard disks work etc.

OMG, I'm gonna love hard disks until my internship ends~ :( Will you love me too?