




My maths senses are back

Rah, my flu is pretty random. Suddenly had a block nose during ELTECH, and is gone after class and the flu never came back again for the day. -.-

Our EM3A lecturer showed us our grades as at now. He was quite surprised on why our coursework area scored so badly. My friends and I were like scoring 18/100 for that sector. HAHA! Okay, it is because we only handed in our tutorial only once. Hehe! Can't blame us actually, cause he never ask us to hand in. :P But we did do the tutorials. :)

So went home and chionged 3 hours of Maths, doing my last chapter's tutorial. Phew, I wondered how come I spent so much time on it. O.O Oh well, maybe there is TOO many questions to be done. Haha!