Monday, August 04, 2008
Long way to go
We had to wear formally for today's presentation, but I wore a shirt, jeans and sport shoes. :P Can't expect me to find a full formal wear within hours after I read my e-mail. So, I was sweating all the way until my Maths lecturer was shocked to see almost my whole shirt was wet. Hahax!
Presentation was alright, then I became the camera man. o.o Yea, this was the last time having materials class with Mr Lim. He is a good lecturer. :D
Then went for training. Damn, I am really not fit at all after a few years. o.o I am still wondering if I can still retain my gold NAPFA award in 2 years time. Hopefully things will go the right way and my timing improves after some trainings. T.T