The aches on my body is better this morning. But after going for T&F, it made it much worse. Shucks! After my 80m sprint, I am feeling the extreme ache/pain which will somehow leads to cramp. -.- It continued for another few sets of 80m sprints, 2 150m sprints and 1 250m sprint.
My classmates and I went to play pool at Bukit Timah Plaza during lunch time since we were released an hour early. Don't know why, I can't seem to hit the ball that I wanted. Hahax! Had some bad games though. :P
Was pretty tired now, and having my dinner. Gonna pon the rest of the trainings this week to make my muscles recover before I go for the next training. =/ Anyways, to all participating in the Arts Festival in Yuan Ching, all the best and good luck! :D Hope to see you guys/girls after the event. :)