




School blues

Oh gosh, my timetable is out yesterday. Once it is out, I am having the what-the-hell feeling in me. Hahax! Yea, very sian la, cause school is starting just less than 2 weeks, and 3 days are occupied by my school camp. Time really flies.

Previous nights, I was chatting with my school's(MDE) seniors as well as my FOC mates. My school's seniors were really chaotic and funny, and us freshies in the mass conversation, had no idea what they are talking about. Lol! Sometimes even had headaches trying to understand the mass conversations due to continuous incoming messages and random topics. Hahax!

Back to my timetable. I will be studying Module 1.1 first. On every Monday to Wednesday, my classes start at 10am and ends at 5pm with a few hours of breaks in between. Thursday is a day for IS(Interdisciplinary Studies) which starts at 1pm. It sounds boring, will see how it goes. Classes start at 1pm on Fridays and ends at 5pm. I think the timetable will vary with time since some lessons are on even weeks only.

I just hate the time I go home. :( Still envies secondary timetable. =/