This morning overslept, luckily my brother woke me up. I just shut off my handphone alarm and just continued to sleep. >.< Met up with Alex and went to work. On the train, my head was kena hit by someone's elbow. -.- Can't he even wait for the train to stop first before alighting? -.-
Was feeling sleepy as usual. Bought my coffee and OT-ed until 7.30pm. Quite a slacking day at work, not so much stress. Then trained home, with much less people today. Hahax! The Outrum Park station's aircon must be spoilt, it was so damn warm in there. o.o
GAH! I dropped my iPod on the floor in the train. -.- Damn. Tomorrow's going back to Yuan Ching... to play soccer at the most memorable back court. Yea, I spent most of my time there everyday after school~