




Slack, slack, slack

Continued what I stopped yesterday at work. Had some problems though. After finishing, I was slacking all the way, even after lunch. I just don't feel like doing anything, unless it is to my interest. :D Our supervisors gave us mini mandarin oranges to eat, and it was gone fast cause I had nothing to do but eat them up. Hahax!

Received another red packet from the boss of our neighbour company - Indo Falcon. I thought it was only $4 or $6 in there, but it was an unexpected $10. Yea, very generous boss. :)

Answered a phone call and got quite pissed with that guy. He can't pronounce his passport number properly and he started to scold vulgarities in his own language after asking him multiple times. Well, that's the nature of the duty - get scolded or keep your ears sharp. -.-