




Coming to an end

My nose bled while bathing. Why? I accidentally poked too hard. Luckily it stopped after I keep washing. Hahax! Kind of gross? It just keeps dripping away. >.<

Collected another 2 red packets from our supervisors. Hahax! Not bad eh? Working and still can get red packets. Lol! Last night calculated my red packets from my father's side in Ipoh. What a nice number, RM$88. Which means is approximately S$44. Total I collected should have exceeded S$100. :) But still quite little leh~ Lol!

After work, went to play pool with Alex. He still gets owned by me. Wahaha! :D My muscles are aching all over after that day's exercise. Damn. =/ Last day of work should be 15th of Feb. :)