Today woke up quite early and went to school to do a last minute rehearse of our skit. But, there was no notice that the side gate will be locked, and Sean, Damien and I waited there until 7am then we went into the school via front gate. Went through a few rounds and went for assembly. It was ACES Day too, and Mr Foo is conducting the exercise. After the warm up, it was the Student-Teacher Floorball competition.
After that, was the concert, then the award presentation for the teacher's awards. Our form teacher, Ms Lim, was nominated for the most caring teacher and the overall best upper secondary teacher. Of course, she won both categories! Whee~ :D Congrats! Kamal and I went down to the staff room to escort Ms Lim up to our class for the "Teacher Appreciation" session. She initially did not know that we are gonna give her a very warm welcome at the corridor. Hahax! Luckily our class is near the staircase so that we could give her a surprise.
Soon, many teachers came and the skit was performed. It indeed gave the teachers a good laugh about it. Hahax! We had our own party in our class, and we took a last class photo and we packed up and left. I rushed down back to my primary school to meet my friends. But we can only go in at 1pm. -.- My friends and I went to the canteen and found out that almost all the stall holders are being replaced. Although the food there is cheap, but it is not fulfilling enough. xP We went to find our form teacher and we chatted and took a group photo. :)
A few of us went to a street soccer court in Jurong East to play soccer. The environment is somehow like the one opposite Cheng Hao's house. Smokers and attitude players.
P.S: I would like to thank Xue Li and gang for preparing for the successful Teacher's Day today. She sacrificed quite alot for 4E1, as well as all those who helped out yesterday and stayed up quite late in school to get everything done nicely! Thanks! :D