This morning really pissed me off by my internet connection. I couldn't connect to the internet for the whole morning till early afternoon. I tried using my new laptop, but nothing really surprises me. So the conclusion is: the problem lies in my internet connection and NOT my MSN. -.-
So yeah, after having my lunch, I had nothing to do, so I went to watch TMNT (Teenage Mutant Ninga Turtles). Well, I used to like them when I was young as they are cool. I could only managed to remember one of the turtles' names - Michelangelo. He's one cute and funny turtle years ago and now. :) While watching, I was chewing an "organic" chewing gum which my dad bought home yesterday from Korea. He bought so many bottles. :D
The whole of today, most likely you guys will not be seeing me online as my MSN in this new laptop somehow "could not get my contact list ready". Also, I am lazy to use 2 laptops at one time as my old laptop can sign in. =/ Anything just SMS me. :D