





I guess it rained last night again since it was such a good weather to sleep. I met Chi Kai in the lift and walked to school with him. The ground of the parade square was pretty wet, and there is assembly. Then Chi Kai and I were started to think whether the school is is crazy or what. So I put my bag there and went to the study corner to meet the guys.

Of course, after the assembly, almost all of our butts were wet and uncomfortable. :) Today's lessons were pretty slack. Chemistry was not boring, we read the newspapers and had a bit of discussion during English, I finished up my Social Studies homework during Chinese lesson since there is no more Chinese exams. Mr Wong just went through our homework for that 1 period after recess, and we did a A. Maths Paper 1 during that 5 periods of Maths since Mr Liew is on course for the whole week. :D While doing Maths, Damien keep asking funny questions which made Yee Ling go out of control. Hahax! So yeah, we finished everything until 1.30pm and rested till the school bell goes off.

After lunch, went back to class for Chemistry remedial. We finished a worksheet and waited for ASPIRE. After "counseling" Ms Lim, she decided to cancel ASPIRE. Moreover, 4E3 did not have ASPIRE! Like always, when there is time, there is ball, when there is ball, there is soccer. :D So a few of us went to the back court to kcik around until more people came and we played knockout rounds.